Products and Services Provided

Custom Policy Designs and Policy Reviews

Indexed Universal Life

A permanent life insurance policy optimized for Cash Value accumulation by receiving an interest crediting rate based on market performance in an index fund. Indexed Universal Life accomplishes the perfect balance between affordable permanent life insurance and tax-deferred accumulation inside its Cash Value account. Great for those who want more variable, higher potential annual returns, while having downside protection.

Whole Life (Infinite Banking)

A whole life policy designed for optimal Cash Value accumulation in early years. These policies are engineered with dividend-yielding mutual life insurance carriers. These policies are popular with real estate investors, business owners, and working professionals that wish to routinely utilize their Cash Value to acquire assets in a tax-deferred/tax-free manner. Stable dividends returns make this a great bond proxy for consistent returns.


Annuities build wealth inside of a tax-deferred account with no downside risk. Annuities can favor appreciation via stock market like returns or guaranteed income for life. Annuities with guarantee income provision can provide stable income even if account balance is 0 and/or after death of spouse, depending on riders selected. Great for those who are unpleased with their returns from 401k or other  retirement accounts. Possible 10-20% bonus to account value on transfer depending on carrier selected.

Term Life

A temporary form of life insurance that guards the beneficiaries of the insured from death over a period of 10 to 30 years. Like Indexed Universal Life and Whole Life, it too has living benefits for disability, major illness, and terminal disease. Term is often used to fill in the gaps of larger liabilities like mortgages, but do not have access to Cash Value. Best used as supplemental coverage on top of a cash value life policy.

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